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Urodynamics is defined as the investigation of how the lower urinary tract- bladder and urethra- functions using clinical assessments such as the measurement of bladder pressure and flow rate.
The study of Urodynamic is value data for diagnosing the following bladder dysfunctions:

  • Urge Incontinence
  • Stress Incontinence
  • Urinary Retention
  • Urinary Frequency
  • Nocturia
  • Hesitancy
  • Other storage or micturition issues

Typical urodynamic testing consists of uroflowmetry, filling cystometry, pressure-flow study, urethral pressure profiles (UPP), valsalva leak point pressure (VLPP), and electromyography (EMG).


  • will be asked to fill out a bladder questionnaire
  • If you have kept a bladder diary please present this to the nurse
  • Unless directed otherwise you should continue normal medications
  • You may eat and drink before the study
  • Testing typically takes less than an hour and you will be able to resume all usual activities including driving after the Urodynamics test

You will not need to have anyone accompany you for this procedure.


Uroflowmetry is the study that measures the flow rate of urine. When arriving to this test please come feeling as though you need to urinate. Try not to empty your bladder one hour before your test is scheduled. During the test, you will be asked to urinate into a special commode that contains a computer that will measure of volume and the flow of urine


EMG is the study that measure the ability to control the sphincter muscles which help determine if they are working properly in coordination with the bladder. Sticky patches called electrodes will be placed near the rectum to record sphincter muscle activity.


Cystometrogram is the study that measures the bladder capacity by elevating how the bladder holds urine. This determines how well one has control of the bladder muscle.

During the procedure, a very small catheter will be inserted into the bladder and another will be placed in the vagina. Both catheters will measure the pressure inside the bladder and the pressure that the body exerts on the bladder.

As your bladder is filled you will be asked to report the sensations you feel. As the procedure is being performed you may be asked to cough, bear down or stand to test for leakage of urine. At the end of the study you will be asked to urinate.


The pressure flow study is a study that measures how well the bladder muscles, called the sphincter, and the urethra work together. This test may be done either standing or sitting on the commode during which the bladder will be filled until completely full. At capacity, you will be asked to urinate and a compute will measure the strength of the bladder muscles and sphincter, flow rate of the urine, and urine volume.


After an evaluation, a physician will decide if Urodynamics is right for you at which the doctor's office staff will assist you when making an appointment.

You may be asked to fill out a bladder diary before your appointment. This test will be performed by a registered nurse. If you have any additional questions about the procedure please call your physician's office.


After the test has been completed you may resume normal activities. However, it will be highly encouraged to drink plenty of fluids throughout the rest of the day. Once Urodynamics is completed a report will be given to your doctor to review at which you will be asked to schedule another appointment to go over the results of the test with your doctor to decide of a recommended treatment plan.



Texas Urological Clinic
1704 East Denman Ave
Lufkin, TX 75901
Phone: 936-246-0622
Fax: 936-899-7114

Office Hours

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