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Prostate Cancer Specialist

Shawn P Todd, DO, PA -  - Urologist

Texas Urological Clinic

Shawn P Todd, DO, PA

Urologist located in Lufkin, TX

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer that affects men in the United States. At Texas Urological Clinic, Shawn Todd, DO, PA, offers comprehensive diagnostic testing and screening services for prostate cancer. Dr. Todd also provides customized treatment plans to slow the growth of cancer cells or remove your prostate gland to prevent cancer from spreading. If you’re over 50 and haven’t had a screening for prostate cancer, schedule one online or call the office in Lufkin, Texas, today.

Prostate Cancer Q&A

What is prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer starts in the cells of the prostate, a small, walnut-shaped gland that produces seminal fluid to nourish and transport sperm.

This type of cancer typically grows slowly. Often, the cancer remains in the prostate but can also spread outside the gland to other areas of the body.

Detecting cancer in the earliest stages through preventive screenings provides the best chance for successful treatment and recovery.

When should I seek treatment for prostate cancer?

You should schedule a diagnostic evaluation at Texas Urological Clinic if you have symptoms of prostate cancer like:

  • Difficulties urinating
  • Weak urine stream
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Unexplained weight loss

Dr. Todd offers physical exams, rectal exams, blood testing, and diagnostic imaging tests to confirm or rule out prostate cancer as the cause of your symptoms. He can also take a sample of tissue from your prostate during an in-office biopsy for further testing under a microscope.

If you have risk factors for prostate cancer, such as a family history of the disease, weight challenges, or being over 50, you should schedule routine prostate cancer screenings. Dr. Todd can check your prostate health to identify warning signs of cancer, even before you experience symptoms.

How is prostate cancer treated?

Depending on how fast cancer cells are growing, Dr. Todd may initially take a wait-and-see approach to your care. He continues to monitor your prostate health with regular blood tests, rectal exams, and biopsy procedures.

If your cancer is in advanced stages, you may be a candidate for:

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy

You may need to start bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to prevent testosterone production, since prostate cancer cells use the hormone to grow. This treatment can help cancer cells grow more slowly or die off.


Surgery is available to remove your prostate gland and surrounding tissue. Dr. Todd can remove the gland laparoscopically through small incisions in your abdomen.

In some cases, he may need to use traditional surgical techniques that require larger incisions to remove your prostate.

Chemotherapy, radiation, or cryotherapy

Following surgery, you may need radiation, chemotherapy, or cryotherapy (freezing technology) to destroy any remaining cancer cells and prevent cancer from spreading outside the prostate.

Dr. Todd can also recommend alternative therapies like art therapy, music therapy, meditation, and movement therapy to help you cope with the side effects of prostate cancer treatments.

To schedule a prostate cancer screening or diagnostic evaluation of cancer symptoms, call Texas Urological Clinic today, or book an appointment online.