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Men's Health Specialist

Shawn P Todd, DO, PA -  - Urologist

Texas Urological Clinic

Shawn P Todd, DO, PA

Urologist located in Lufkin, TX

As men age, their health needs evolve. To protect a man’s health and vitality, Texas Urological Clinic offers a variety of men’s health services on-site. Board-certified urologist Shawn Todd, DO, PA, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic conditions that impact a man’s urological, reproductive, and sexual health, including erectile dysfunction and low testosterone. Dr. Todd also provides customized care for vasectomies, prostate cancer screenings, and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. To schedule a men’s health evaluation, call the office in Lufkin, Texas, today, or book an appointment online.

Men's Health Q&A

What is men’s health?

The men’s health services available at Texas Urological Clinic focus on the changing needs of men through their life stages. 

Dr. Todd offers a comfortable space to discuss health issues that affect men’s urological and reproductive health, as well as their sexual wellness, including:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Low testosterone (low-T)
  • Peyronie’s disease
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP)

Dr. Todd also has extensive experience diagnosing and treating prostate cancer and testicular cancer. 

What men’s health services are available?

Texas Urological Clinic offers a variety of services to address men’s health issues, including:

  • Urodynamics
  • Priapus Shot® (P-Shot®)
  • Bloodwork and lab tests
  • Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT)
  • UroLift® BPH treatment

You can schedule routine screenings for prostate and testicular cancer to identify warning signs of cancer in the earliest stages. Dr. Todd also provides biopsy services in the office if you have symptoms of cancer or risk factors for the disease. 

For men who are done having children and are interested in permanent birth control, Dr. Todd offers complete vasectomy services in-office.

What can I expect during a men’s health consultation?

During your men’s health consultation at Texas Urological Clinic, Dr. Todd spends time learning about your health and reviewing your personal and family medical histories. He also asks questions about your diet, lifestyle, and sexual wellness.

To assess your overall health, Dr. Todd completes a physical exam. He may also request bloodwork or urine testing to identify undiagnosed medical issues like diabetes or infections that can complicate your health. 

Blood tests also provide information about your levels of testosterone, a reproductive hormone.

For older men, Dr. Todd may suggest a prostate exam to identify early warning signs of BPH (prostate enlargement) or prostate cancer. You could also need preventive screenings if you have risk factors for cancer or another chronic urological disease.

Dr. Todd can discuss ways you can optimize your physical health and sexual wellness through lifestyle changes, dietary improvements, and other strategies. If your tests reveal any underlying health issues, Dr. Todd customizes a care plan to manage your condition or can refer you to a specialist for additional care.

Call Texas Urological Clinic today to schedule a men’s health consultation, or book an appointment online.